BERGEZ Jacques-Eric

MAGELLAN | Agronomie systémique - Modélisation

Thématique de recherche :

  • PhD, senior scientist (DRex), accreditation to supervise research (HDR), INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), unit AGIR (AGroecologie, Innovations and teRritories)
  • Main research interests are systemic agronomy and farmers' decision-making modelling
  • Main research topic is the description and modelling of farmers’ practices in order to develop innovative crop management systems.
  • 2022-2025: Coordinator H202 ClieNFarms project. Searching for more climate neutral farm systems accross Europe (12 M€, 33 partners)
  • 2022-2025: Coordinator défi-clef "Les transitions des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires vers l'agroécologie" (2M€, 33 research units)
  • 2021-2025: co-Coordinator of Occitanum (PIA 4): Le numérique au soutien de la transition agroécologique.
  • 2010-2020: Leader of the INRA/INPT AGIR research unit (80 persons).
  • 2010-2020: Scientific leader of the RECORD users’ network, RECORD being a modelling and simulation platform to develop and work with agroecosystem models (
  • 2014-2018: Coordinator of the research project TATA-BOX to develop a methodology to help stakeholders to modify their agricultural practices in order to reach a more agroecological agriculture (
  • 2007-2012: Co-coordinator of the research and development network (UMT-Eau) on the development of tools and methodologies for managing irrigation water resources.
  • 2008-2012: Coordinator of the a R&D project PROUESSES to develop a regional foresight on cash crops.
  • 2005-2012: Participated at the development and evaluation of a MASC modelling framework to evaluate the contribution of innovative cropping systems to the overall sustainability
  • Participated at the FP6 Seamless project aiming at developing a modelling chain to assess EU policies at different scales.

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